If You Can’t Find a Job – Create One

Frankly for financial reasons it is a lot more ideal if you can develop a part-time business when you still have an income to support yourself. However if you are not prepared when you lose your job, you can still work it out if you are really focused, disciplined and determined to land on your feet.

create a job

You have to be realistic, no matter how shocking it is to lose your job unexpectedly. Take a few days to digest the information and get your bearings. If you are being laid off in a workforce reduction the theory is to let you know on a Friday. This is so it doesn’t disrupt your job performance during the week and so that you will have a few non-business days to get used to the idea that you have nowhere to go on Monday.

Typically they have known about this for some time but do not let you know because they want to lessen the chances of sabotage or other problems. T

Can’t Find a Job? Make Money At Home!

Long gone are the days where we could depend on finding a job automatically, or that people could just up and quit a job because they felt they could find something better – whether it was more money or more interesting, better location, people could pick and choose when it came to a job. Nowadays the people are more likely to just feel thankful that they have a job at all and learn to live with what they can’t change.

We never know what jobs will be cut and they don’t usually give a lot of warning so as to limit the ability to retaliate by sabotage, etc. It is becoming more and more common through a couple of the job recessions in recent decades, that even higher education does not make you immune to the cycle of losing a job and not finding a replacement anytime soon. The big difference is job elimination. It is not just people moving in and out, being promoted, demoted, retiring or whatever — the position is gone. Not being filled anymore –