There is a really good saying to always keep in mind: ‘You can’t fail unless you quit’. One other that goes with that is ‘The road to success is littered with failures’. ‘They’ also say that the reason only 5% succeed is for no other reason than 95% quit Internet marketing too soon.

internet marketing

They quit without even trying, or they quit too soon when they don’t see instant results. It does cost a little money to operate a business, so that is one reason people are in such a big rush… Some expect to get the money by osmosis without doing anything to promote it.

Hello what planet are you from? This one it is pretty much the case that you need to work to earn ‘a living’. Other than inheriting money or winning the lottery, there is no such thing as instant wealth or wealth without work. Yes! Even in Cyberspace! Somebody has to do the work someplace so that all the gears turn and we can ‘enjoy life’ on the Internet.

Anybody who is seriously imagining the idea of earning an income from their Internet marketing home business must realize the ‘survivalist’ mindset. They absolutely should never allow themselves to even entertain a futilistic attitude about the state of their Internet marketing projects; (to build an income online independently from home). It takes TIME like everything else in reality!

Remember always that no matter how many times we try and fail, not to ever give up. Let all failures only be lessons and if we are paying attention we can really do this with very little money and in our spare time. That is the recommended way to start a business, so that you have an income to survive on while you are building and developing your company. It’s an excuse for a mini-celebration just to imagine the day you will fire your boss, or quit your day job! Start practicing now.

If someone is telling you they were able to achieve or accomplish some level of income, etc, that may be an indication that it is indeed possible for you to do that as well. They can’t promise that your trip will be the same as theirs, and there is no rule to say how long it will take you to do the same thing they did, or how much money it is POSSIBLE for you to make in order to succeed in Internet marketing today. Nobody is responsible except you, for how well you TRY and how far you succeed!

It’s all about the level of commitment, engagement, determination and mindset that drives us and dictates our level of effort to succeed with our Internet marketing business. With all that said, you need to give it time. Time for the learning curve, time to implement the start-up, time for ongoing analysis and maintenance; and then of course there are times of acceleration for purposes of expansion. Only then you have earned the right to declare you are running your business on ‘autopilot’ and you can step off and have some fun with all your money!

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