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Networking as an Online Business Strategy

There are lots of different connotations of the concept of networking. They all seem to be slightly, if not directly related, while being just a bit different. Before ‘Y2K’ and ‘Web2.0′ networking was touted as an effective way to do business in the sense of finding the best jobs or clients, etc.


In particular it was thought that for the better jobs, people in the hiring chair would be more apt to respond to applicants that had been recommended to them by their peers, or who they had some association with or at least knowledge of. In other words not just a nameless face off the street or anonymous resume sent to the human resources department.

There was a real science to networking offline, for example if you were networking at a company or industry function, you might meet a number of people and give them your business card at the end of the conversation. However it was considered very gauche if you said anything at all direct on the first meeting or conversation. This means no asking ‘do you know of any jobs?’ or even ‘let’s do lunch’. It helped to always keep in mind the best definition of networking, ‘to know and be known without having any agenda’.

Following this initial introduction you might follow-up at a later time in the near future. At this juncture you might mention your goals or the fact that you are interested in learning more about the industry, or company, and invite the person to lunch or some upcoming mutually interesting business function. Like many other things networking is best taken slowly and politely – nothing blunt or rude about it. In other words nobody likes to feel they are being exploited.

For the Internet marketing industry, this same interaction, primarily online, would be referred to as ‘building a relationship’ and the theory is that people are more apt to do business with someone they know, even as an acquaintance, than just some nameless yay-hoo that waves a flyer (ad) in their face. It is actually quite natural and more comfortable to do business with someone you trust and have some level of communication with than a total stranger.

Some other connotations of ‘network’ and a close cousin of Internet marketing, is network marketing. While both niches or industries may also involve ‘multi-level marketing’, one of the differences is the communication medium. Whereas Internet marketing primarily involves ethical, permission-based eMail marketing, online forums, and web conferencing, for example, network marketing seemingly involves more phone and in-person events – more personal contact.

Then of course with Web2.0 evolved social networking and with it more mobile devices and texting (real-time) or direct digital communications. Now the field is wide-open in that you can network with personal and business friends at the same time and theoretically expose your family and friends to your business ideas and opportunities.

Social networking seems to have replaced the days of online bulletin board systems (bbs) which were just massive boards with millions of ads. If we can navigate through that and meet up with folks to have a discussion that may be conducive to business, it could be beneficial to use social networking as a means to an end.

Last but not least is networking in the technical sense, for example local area and long distance networks; and of course the biggest network of all, and conglomeration of hundreds of smaller networks, the Internet (inter-network). The information super-highway. The ‘mall’ where your online business is located somewhere in cyberspace!


Keep On Keeping On to Start a Successful Home Business

Even if you fail to start a successful home business at this time (or on the first attempt) it is still better than not having tried. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’. At least you tried (and you can always try again – maybe now or maybe later) or sometimes said ‘try and try again.’

building a business

Sometimes that is what it takes to see ‘the big picture’ – You might get it going on at the front end at the inception of your business – the presentation or ‘first impression’; but then for whatever reason it doesn’t hold true = You don’t find how to gain or generate substance (and/or build momentum). So you didn’t make it on that attempt.”

It may be hard if you can’t get your bearings where you sit right now to perceive how to go forward, and you may feel slightly like dirt because you didn’t get anywhere, all your ‘friends’ warned you, you are eating a lot of crow these days and quite frankly are glad to be done with the chaos of trying to start an online business.

Believe it — there is such a thing as ‘the times’ – there can be so many reasons why at this juncture it just didn’t work out. We can’t usually do anything about that and as they say what we can’t change we must accept’. (and then move on).

We also must learn to go around obstacles that just can’t be resolved – Maybe the way is not clear today – but if you don’t give up your dream or your intention it will come to you some day. You will try again.

No telling what all will motivate you to not give up on your ideas – Maybe normal things like terminally broke, living paycheck to paycheck, just scraping by and sick of it; sick of your job; don’t make enough money to enjoy life. Of course we all know money can’t buy happiness but it sure can be fun to have enough or even a little more than enough!

Yes folks this is where ‘hindsight’ is not as useless as we might feel. ‘If we had known what we know now’! We can analyze what went down in our various attempts to have a successful business and really try to understand what went wrong – and what went right – and use that information to keep building your idea.

Building a business is really an art. Some of the ‘paints’ are our skills, our interests, and our character (strength); but the ‘big picture’ is really the market (consumers). Will they receive and embrace us? We will never know unless we try.


Realizing Your Dream – Internet Marketing

Do you remember when you were a kid and you dreamed about what you want to be when you grow up? This likely changed several times by the time you grew up! Then if you had an idea of what you wanted to do with your life, you may have gone to college to pursue that. You had to do research on which colleges had the best curriculum, how much it costs to go there, costs for living arrangements, etc. Then you determined whether it was feasible for you or not at that time. Do you have the grades to qualify for that school? Do you have the money? If not, what loans are available to you?


The point is people don’t just sit there and dream and then suddenly everything materializes so that they can realize their dream. They have to do planning and research and then develop that into a step-by-step process that will get them to where they want to go. They also need the ability to change direction if necessary, so the plans need to be both focused and flexible.

If they do go to school, when they graduate it will be the same type of routine where they will need to find the companies that hire whatever particular speciality they had pursued. Where is the company located? Would they need to move if they were hired? Who do they need to see to get the job? Will the company pay them what they are expecting? Will they be willing to compromise if not? Will the company representatives like them and offer them a job after their interview?

Your plans are usually dependent on outside forces as well as your own resources as far as if you can make it happen – and importantly, if not, what other options do you have? It is always best to plan for contingencies no matter what. Reality is such that we shouldn’t ever be caught off-guard if anything unexpected happens. This can mean something as simple as always remembering to have a savings account so that you have resources to survive no matter what, and ideally to be able to pursue your dreams.

If your dream is to create a business in the Internet marketing industry, then all of the above applies. It seems to attract its share of ‘mavericks’, as entrepreneurs do not necessarily have college degrees. They just need initiative and motivation and be willing to learn. Of course there are other options to learning other than college, and many resources are available on the Internet itself; so if someone decides that they want to go their own way and start their own business, then they would find out what it is they need to do and how and where to learn how to do it.

There are as many aspects or possible avenues to this as with anything else. You might want to be a web designer which along with computer programming would probably take some real solid instruction as they are both technical and as such are very exact sciences. This would be starting at the top and something that more than likely would take quite a while to master to the degree that you could build websites or develop systems.

Never fear! There are less skilled jobs you can do in Internet marketing. For example you could start your own affiliate membership program and be a mentor or coach, teaching and guiding your members who want to start an online business. In that case maybe you could hone up with some courses from an online community college in sales and marketing, business management and communications. If you enjoy working with people then this might become your dream.

However maybe you are not all that ambitious or are unsure what way you want to go at this point. Then ‘test the waters’ by doing something less involved, such as just becoming an affiliate and focus on being a super affiliate in the future. Learn the ins and outs of the industry in that way; something like ‘working your way up’ the proverbial ‘corporate ladder’. Determining what the difficulties may be for people, as well as the best techniques and strategies for marketing and advertising online would definitely help you get information and experience. Down in the trenches is a very effective place to learn and then you can share with those that come behind you.

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