There are lots of reasons why you may not be able to totally focus on your target when you are planning on building a home business; probably as many reasons as there are hours in the day. Many other things constantly demand your attention and interrupt you repeatedly.

walk the tightrope!

Life gets in the way. You may have a stressful day job, a rough commute, a family, pets, etc. that are important to you and need to be dealt with first. So you have to find time for your home business project and somehow squeeze this extra activity into your busy schedule.

It already sounds like your home business will have the lowest priority, but as long as you at least see it as more important than watching TV or hanging out somewhere with friends, your business will have a chance. So it may be that amid all the chaos that is life, you have to start seeing your business as the target.

Everything else needs to be taken care of so that it will be out of the way and then you can focus on what you need to do to develop your business. At first this will be research and planning. What kind of a business you want will largely be determined by your skills and other resources you may have or need to acquire.

It is always a good idea to map it all out – starting from why you want and need to start a business. Focus on this, because you will need to get and stay motivated throughout the process. You may need some extra encouragement because you are likely pretty tired by the time you get to focus on your business and it is always easy to say ‘later’ or ‘tomorrow’.

There are some really good analogies and ‘mottos’ that you can focus on when you need to push yourself in the right direction. Sometimes that is all it takes to trigger a nice spurt of energy to go that extra mile. Short of a ‘cat nap’ or some quick exercises, you could keep at least one analogy in front of your mind.

For example there is a story about someone on a diet. Of course the target is to lose weight. The dieter is diligent to follow the diet which avoids fattening foods, and to replace them with vegetables or other healthful foods; the dieter exercises regularly to burn calories, measure their success, etc. It is all encompassing to be on a diet!

There are still temptations and some schools of thought would say that this person deserves a splurge. They have worked so hard that they should be able to have that nice piece of triple chocolate cake as a ‘reward’ for their good behavior all week.

Sounds ok until you realize that deserve or not, having that piece of cake is not taking you closer to your goal but taking you further away from it. Even for one lousy piece of cake, you are losing maybe a week of momentum. Whereas if you somehow can get past the temptation and feeling of entitlement, you are sure to reach your goal sooner.

So particularly with your home business’ development do not wait until tomorrow and be squirreling off into different directions. Do you realize you could lose your day job tomorrow? Or that something could happen that requires some extra money right away? Ever think about how much you are paying on your credit card or other debt?

It is of major importance to get out from under all that risk that is just compounding. Take control of your future right now and go that extra mile to reach your target goal of eventual financial independence today. Focus on your target of building a home business, and while it may not be your first priority, it has to be one of the top priorities if you want it to be a success.

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