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Home Business Start-Up – Not to Worry

While it is useless and even counter-productive to worry about either the past or the future, we do of course need to be concerned about the present. This is why being in a desperate situation may not be the best time to start any new venture. In any case, it might go a long way to first of all take care of your immediate needs.

For example if you have suddenly lost your job, you may have severance pay or unemployment insurance. So this does give you a way to pay your bills while you are looking for a job and you don’t have to worry; however, be aware that there is an end-date when your benefits will run out and it is necessary to have some other way to earn a living right then and there and preferably sooner.

You really should focus on getting at least a part-time job to cover your living expenses while you are starting any new business. It’s no good to depend on credit cards either for business expenses or living expenses so just don’t even consider that. It is just not the case that you can project that you will be earning enough money to pay your bills by any set time. What will happen is you will go deeper in debt every day and could find yourself trapped with no way out.

Ideally if you had planned it, you could have been salting away a few dollars every time you had money – whether you want to look at it as emergency survival money or money for business operating expenses, this is the best way. If it has already happened to you that you lost your job unexpectedly obviously there is no way to do it over again – but the point is to first focus on your immediate needs and then you can spend your time creatively to develop your plan and goals for your own home business.

Too many times people think that they can earn money instantly without effort on the Internet and they are shocked when they finally understand they have spent their last money to participate and did not factor in the time that likely will be necessary to realize a return on their investment. They can be very angry and it is not fair to blame the programs or anything else besides themselves for not thinking it through.

It is common to be seduced by advertisements that do make it seem like the money is quick and easy. It can be, but you have to realize the people that are making money have had to invest their time and effort and other resources while they gained experience and now know just what works and how to do it – so it IS easy at that point.

When they make statements that you want to believe say that you can get something for nothing or become wealthy without working, what they are actually saying is that it is POSSIBLE because there are those who actually DO IT. However it is you that has to think realistically so that you will understand they had to do the work, and spend the time to learn first. Then they had to give everything they did a chance to produce results; and they needed to keep building and sustaining their momentum by being fully engaged and focused on their business.

There is just no magic about this. It’s reality. Whether you have only evenings and weekends to work on your business because you have to work full or part-time to support yourself, or whether you are blessed to have extended benefits to give you some time to find a way to replace your income, you should be thinking in terms of a sure thing (a j-o-b with a paycheck).

Sales and marketing are not sure things like a job with wages. Sales are subject to market flux, including consumer confidence, world affairs, stock market, and even seasons and weather. You have to spend the resources to advertise your business aggressively, and there is no guarantee of a return on investment. It’s a risk. At the same time it is true that you can make a lot of money in sales and marketing, but it is not likely if you have no experience that your success will come before the rent is due again.

Be sure to cover your bases so you don’t have to worry and you can focus on building a successful home business online!


Home Business Start-Up – It’s Always Important to See the ‘Big Picture’

There is a saying, ‘any port in a storm’. Think about it. Isn’t that true? Think of your business in that way – and make the ‘big picture’ be that you survive by doing something, maybe lots of little things along the way. You do what you need to do to get by until you find your ‘niche(s)’.

Remember you just need to get by when your home business is in development and you are living your dream to do something more than you have been doing so far, or maybe just started lately. Many people have jobs that are barely tolerable because they feel that they have no other choice. Often they really are not happy, particularly in the current economic condition of the ‘middle class’ or ‘working stiffs’– the vast majority of people.

Big picture is you will build it up and make it something that you want and even better that you have. In the meantime you will be planning and learning and changing as you GROW along. Most will also be working ‘day jobs’ unless they have some substantial savings to carry them in their new business’ infancy.

So many give up way too soon because they don’t realize what is involved and may expect instant results and/or to succeed without much effort. Maybe it is because of this that they don’t really plan wisely and therefore never progress even to the basics of building a foundation for their business. They find an excuse to fail. No time, no money they say, when actually what it is more than anything else is a lack of interest in working.

So for awhile we have to work harder so that we can eventually then work smarter, which would likely be doing more while working less and of course making more money at the same time. Naturally MONEY is an element that concerns everyone, and particularly one who is trying to start a business. It is just not like a job where you get paid for your time necessarily at first – or as with a job, where you are usually paid even while learning!

But you want more than just working at a job! It really would help if someone enjoyed working and thought of it like any other decent art form, hobby or avocation. It is a “MEANS to an end”, and a ‘necessary evil’. It counts that we want to enjoy what we are doing even while we try to survive – because if we are working for ourselves it is a lot more natural or easy.

While we want what we want we are not willing to pay a huge price with our lives. Working takes up so much of everyone’s time. Might as well like it! Or at least not let the stress cut our lives short! There are many sacrifices to have your own business unless you are in the minority of people who have ‘extra’ money to use for their business. (Yet some who don’t believe they have ‘extra’ money to invest in their business, don’t hesitate to go on expensive vacations, and have wonderful entertainment) – nothing wrong with that, but maybe we have to sacrifice something if starting our own home business to make it our first priority.


For Best Results, Don’t Rush Your Home Business Start-Up

A good analogy of how things can’t be rushed in the logical (real) world, is that of a crop which must be nurtured to grow. Nobody puts the seeds in the ground and then turns around and clicks their heels three times to see a brand new baby tree! It takes preparation, maintenance, and patience!

For best results someone would prepare the soil, plant the seeds, fertilize it, and then water it a little at a time every day. Eventually they would see little sprouts and with any luck eventually they would grow into a baby vegetable. You may pick it at that point in some cases or in others you would continue to watch it grow into a mature plant. At that point it would need to be washed and cooked or in some way prepared to eat it in most cases.

With a business it is just plain silly for people to believe that somehow – (magic?) they will join an affiliate program or get a web page online and then expect something to materialize right away. They may make some attempt for a short-time to promote it but for some reason they can’t seem to conceive of the fact that one or two times or even 50 or 100 times will not necessarily produce anything.

You may have read somewhere the very apt description of marketing and advertising requiring TIME to create and sustain momentum. This is in part because not everybody who sees an ad will respond. It is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. You have to eliminate all the people who are not interested in what you have to find the few that will in fact show an interest and respond.

You have to keep whatever you are doing up long enough and let’s even say in perpetuity if you ever want to have a real business that generates income. You can’t stop just because you make one sale because now you must find the second one and so forth. Your business may involve one-time-only sales or if you are an affiliate marketer, residual income. While the latter lets you continue to earn income in the future from the initial sale, there is still the fact that people will quit and you will need to find new sources of income.

There is another belief in the Internet marketing industry that it is not usually the first time someone sees something that they will respond – would you believe most likely the 5th or 6th time? So there you go with another reason why you must build and sustain momentum if your business involves sales and marketing. You need to pump up the volume over the long-run!

The point being that you need to work it over time in the big picture. You need to be methodical, consistent and most of all very aggressive. None of this is possible if you are expecting substantial results within days or weeks of beginning. If you quit too soon because you can’t see any results, you will just be wasting your effort and time and you will never know if you could have succeeded if you had been realistic.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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