Starting a New Home Business – Do You Already Know It All?

It is said that the only person who can’t learn anything is the one who thinks he already knows everything. This is logical since knowing it all, they believe that they do not need to pay attention. Unsure where in our ego this shut-down process happens but it seems likely we may have an ‘authoritarian’ complex if and when it does.

It is likely our disdain for authority comes from having been ‘forced’ to obey and to believe what we are taught whether or not we agreed. It is a natural reaction for people to resist force. In the extreme however, part of the authoritarian psychology is that we are not to question authority. We must just accept what we are told and believe as they dictate. If not there are often consequences to various degrees.

Therefore it is ideal if parents, while asserting what the child needs to learn, are not too domineering but more like ‘suggests’ that the child ‘cooperate’. Then we will have a more balanced person who realizes they have the right to either accept or not, whatever they are told. Then they can learn to make their own decisions when they are older.

In the case of Internet marketing, there seems to be people who distrust those that have had success. On the one hand they may ‘join up’ with the marketer or ‘guru’ (expert) to get whatever they can from them, but at the same time ignore his recommendations and be more willing to follow their peers as far as techniques and strategies; (it seems the other reason for this is jealousy – just to make sure that person doesn’t make another dime especially from them).

They say that if you are learning a new thing or being in a new environment that you should associate with those that are more successful than you are so that you can learn from them first-hand; not just their techniques but their mindset, theories, etc. This makes sense. Nobody is forcing us but we can really make a note of the things about the person’s personality that may indicate why they are a success amid so many that fail (because they quit).

… But for those who distrust authority, it’s as if they assume the person who has had success has had the breaks they never had – maybe higher education or someone has financed them to get started, or that they somehow are already rich and can afford to spend money on a business, for a few examples. Actually that may be easier for them to believe because that gives them an excuse to fail if they don’t want to follow the directions.

In reality people who succeed are more than likely just people who have paid attention. They are not afraid to work hard and they know how to ‘walk in faith’ – they just have that little thing that causes them, no matter what the adversity, to believe that they CAN DO whatever it is – and this seems to give them the impetus to ‘Just Do It’.

There is nothing to be ashamed of to admit you have never had your own business, you are new to the Internet and you will need some time to get acclimated (do not have a clue what to do). Then if you will find some good training in Internet marketing and you will humbly if not follow, at least pay attention to the directions and instructions and at least give it a try, you never know if you will be the next ‘star’.

What is meant by ‘give it a try’ – it doesn’t mean read it and maybe do something one time and then complain because it ‘didn’t work’. If you are realistic you will see that nothing is going to work instantly or by magic. You have to learn and then try to do it correctly, the best you can. Then you need to keep doing it consistently over time and perfecting it – or learn something else if it truly doesn’t have the results you hoped for.

We also need to realize that only a small percentage of traffic will respond. This doesn’t mean we are not doing it right, or that our teacher led us astray; it means the traffic is either not interested or just not ready to take action. We have to accept that fact and keep trying to find the right traffic. Then, we have to give whatever technique it is time to produce results – it will not happen instantly (in a week or maybe even months). Give it time!

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