Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | April, 2015

Home-based Business Start-Up – Beware of Energy Rip-offs

Mindset is everything when it comes to stepping out on a limb to try something new. Everybody will encounter various obstacles because that’s just life. Everybody comes to the table with skills and experience they have acquired along the way. Some will need to learn more than others. It is not just technical (computer/Internet) or marketing and sales skills that will carry the day. In fact without the right mindset nothing else will ever have a chance.


The worst motivation killers are as follows: Being unrealistic in your expectations as far as time. You somehow got it in your head that everything is instant or miraculous and that success just comes because you want it to. Which leads to number two: When you don’t see any results immediately you will become discouraged and skeptical. When you realize you will need to really work this then you see a possible cop-out in suspecting that you are being ripped off. Now you have plenty of excuses to quit without giving it a fair chance.

Try to visualize something that has 100 watts of energy. This is your brain in business. Now you take a few watts away for each of the above energy rip-offs – Now what you have left is what you can use to promote your business. So instead of giving it 100% of your energy you will only have maybe 50% left over after all your worrying. This is like a ‘catch-22’ because the more you get discouraged the less motivated you are to promote your business. The less you do the more you fall behind until you just quit trying – which is where the actual failure is.

There is probably no truer saying to remember than ‘you can’t fail unless you quit’ – If you really think about that as long as you are still trying you haven’t failed. It is only when you stop trying that you have to admit your business has tanked. Not because the product was not good, the service was terrible, your skills didn’t meet the criteria, you have bad luck, or the whole thing is a scam. Nope. The cause of the failure was that you gave up before you really got started.

Maybe this is indicative of the fact that you really didn’t want to start your own business bad enough to actually invest yourself in it; or the need to EARN extra money just wasn’t as important to you as performing magic (wealth without work). It’s okay. File what you did learn and maybe someday you will find something in yourself that says you will give it a go again and this time you will do whatever it takes to succeed with your home business.


Don’t Just Work to Earn Money, Fight to Make a Profit

Making a profit is usually always beyond the level of income that you have with a job if you are an average person without a professional/academic degree. They paid the dues on the front-end and many struggled to go to school for years at great expense of both time and energy. Many times they had to have jobs that paid minimum wage.

earn money sign

We may have to work a little harder and a little longer and might never make as much, but no reason we can’t have enough or even plenty of money. We can, if we can find a way to have multiple streams of income which might ‘even out’ or equate to a decent amount of money when added together with our day job wages or salary.

Yes two jobs. Day job and night and weekend job online. You heard it was called a home office – when in fact it can become like living in an office. For example, like when you are having so much fun working at home that you find yourself logging back on at 12:00 midnight on Friday night to do something or other; great fun and then you will know what it means to live at your office.

This is ok at special times but it is probably actually healthier if you work at home the majority of the time, if you have a life offline. You can’t go home from the office when you work at home. So that is part of the discipline that you need to work at home – you need to be able to put things away as you would when you leave from your job.

No matter what, we need to have moderation in all things whether they are good things or not so much. You need to have time for you and your family if you have one. ‘You’ are very likely a human who needs rest and relaxation no matter how much responsibility you have.

It may help if we focus on trying to enjoy our work and feel thankful that we have it rather than to feel stress and fear about our financial situation which may be the reason we are working twice as hard as most people! It’s a whole different atmosphere obviously to be happy with what you are doing.

Never fear! The whole idea is someday you will be able to quit your day job! Not really realistic to quit too soon – be sure you can replace your salary and insurance benefits with your home business for a while before you take the leap. There are rarely any absolute guarantees like a set salary and paychecks at the same frequency. You never know. So that is why it is best to be sure you know what you are doing as far as you can see.


Challenge Yourself to Increase Your Income Right Now

If we have a job then our income is limited to our standing agreement with our employer. If we are fortunate this is reviewed each year in our performance evaluation and if the company is doing ok you may receive a merit increase and/or a cost of living increase. Sometimes though you don’t receive any increases for a few years or more, again depending on the health of the company.

Health of the company can infer a few things other than how well they are doing financially speaking. It can also refer to mental or psychological health. This is dictated largely by the corporation but more directly by management. An antagonistic, hostile manager or supervisor who is incapable of motivating employees can really make people sick. After all we spend most of our waking life working and if we don’t feel appreciated or make enough money to enjoy life, it can really take a toll.

Sometimes management feels you are being paid well enough and they may purposely ignore what you do that is ‘beyond expectations’ because they don’t want to give you more money. In an atmosphere such as this there is little to motivate people to push themselves to excel at what they do. There can be a consequent environment of people merely taking up a chair for 8-hours, doing just enough to get by. Is it any wonder?

With all that said, it is also true that in this day and age we are fortunate even to have a lousy job. However there is no reason to be trapped by what we can’t control (our employer, etc). By taking control of our own life and giving it some extra energy to start our own business at home, we can overcome any negativity we must endure.

It will be a challenge to add one more priority to our lives, and to fit it in with the day job, the commute, the family duties, etc., but if we want to get out of the maze and ‘exceed expectations’ then we will need to make some sacrifices of our ‘leisure time’. We can be productive from home in a more relaxed and much freer and friendlier environment.

If we are willing to do the time now, we can get it running and after we have developed our plans and ideas and implemented them, a good deal of the business can run on ‘autopilot’. Then we can start going back to having more time to relax and have fun – and we may have the extra money to do it. Take control now and push yourself forward until you can again feel good about what you accomplish.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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