Nobody can know what is just around the corner. While we hope for the best it might be that we are going to lose our source of income someday unexpectedly. Unfortunately that is not the time to try to start a business unless we have saved money and have severance pay and/or unemployment insurance.

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In other words, unless you have money to live on, you need to focus on getting a job rather than to speculate on starting a business online. Nobody knows how long it will take you to develop a source of income from your own business and while it is much, much less expensive to start a business on the Internet than it is offline, it is going to take some resources – for sure your time and effort, and possibly some money if you have it, will make things much easier to be possible.

It is preposterous and sad to hear people that are only at the stage of trying to learn how to navigate the Internet and really not even on first-base yet, being fearful about not making the rent or the car payment. This of course puts them in the desperate category and this is bad for a whole bunch of reasons.

First of all when people are desperate that is when they are most vulnerable – they can make unwise decisions because they are not thinking clearly but are instead emotional – and with good reason, but we need to try not to get in this kind of a mess. Also not the best environment if you are in a rush; it’s just not possible to rush some things (unless of course you have a lot of money, which the majority do not).

If you don’t have a contingency plan (savings, etc), good luck on starting a business living under a bridge or in your car. Sounds melodramatic but it does happen even to professionals – let alone people (the majority) who live from paycheck to paycheck. It is much smarter to try to find at least a part-time job FIRST so that you have some income that you can count on. If you can start this while you STILL have unemployment benefits you can report your income and this will result in your benefits being stretched longer.

So the point is do not wait until you are ‘between a rock and a hard place’ to decide to earn some extra money to save or pay down your bills. Do it while you have an income and a place to live, etc. Don’t be in denial about the possibility of needing to survive without a job in the future. It can happen in a heartbeat. Don’t think because you try so hard to do a good job, and get so many compliments that the business would hesitate to let you go if their bottom line depended on it or their superiors directed them to reduce the workforce immediately.

That is just how the world economy is these days. It is nothing personal. However you do need to get your head out of the sand and take action today so that you are prepared financially in case it happens to you. Look at it as using your time wisely and instead of surfing the net just for fun, start doing some research on how you could earn extra money online in your spare time today.

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