Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Tag Archives | Starting a Business

Online Home Business Entrepreneur – Bucking Up

One of the most detrimental ‘habits’ or ‘traits’ for anyone doing anything is a sense of entitlement. Nobody owes you anything other than what they have literally agreed to. It is particularly harmful to people who are learning to start their own business if they believe someone else is responsible for their success or failure.

business lady

Being new, being computer illiterate, etc, are not valid excuses where we are entitled to someone else doing our work (unless they have agreed specifically to do so or we are paying them). If we don’t know something then we need to learn it. ‘Information is power’ is certainly true, that is if we use the information to take action. If there is free training available certainly take advantage of it. If necessary pay for training through a community college (online) or some other online resource that is free or inexpensive.

We must take responsibility for our own actions. If we buy something then we should understand everything about it – what are the guarantees, refund policies, etc. If the purchase is a big one, then we are responsible to find out what the reputation of the seller is. What are the features and specifications? Do they meet our needs?

People seem to really have a sense of entitlement when something has been given to them free, which is ironic. Rather than to appreciate what has been given to them and to use it fully to our benefit, we will demand that people provide services or products that they have not offered once we see they are givers. It says a lot about someone if they are greedy and unappreciative.

If we are logical we will understand that in order to afford to give their property away for free, that there must be something in it that might possibly promote their business. For example they give you something free if you will read their newsletter or advertising (and represent a prospective sale) – or they give you something free with the hope that you will upgrade the service or product which might result in some income for their business.

Unless they say they are a charitable organization then you might assume that they are in business to make money – just like you hope to be. There is no crime in that and nobody deserves to be called names or accused of anything for trying to do business – as long as they are honest about it.

Entitlement can really get ugly if the person is not able to achieve what they anticipated in the time they think is reasonable. Then they will blame their sponsor, the program, the government, their parents, etc. Never taking responsibility themselves.

Starting a business is a gamble. If you know going in that you are the one who is responsible to make it work and that if it doesn’t work then you are still the responsible party, you will do much better with your business. This is because for one thing being responsible gives you control. As well, maybe the fact that you realize you are responsible and have control will cause you to take the appropriate actions necessary to make it work, rather than sitting back and waiting for somebody else to do it.

About ‘sitting back and waiting’ this is a fatal error under any circumstances with any business. You need to be engaged on a daily basis. Don’t be fooled by pie in the sky descriptions of home business on ‘autopilot’ – yes some things are automatic but you are the one that needs to pay attention to make sure it is working right, and to promote your business. You need to be very aware even if you are paying someone to do something for you, that it is in fact being done correctly and that there are statistics to prove it. There is no such thing as ‘wealth without work’.


Going Along With the Plan = Staying on Target

In the long-run, the worst time to be an ‘individualist’ or ‘non-conformist’ would be when trying to learn something new or navigate in strange waters. It is very difficult to follow instructions when one is ‘going their own way’. Usually when we are impetuous in this regard, we end up wasting time and resources when we need to do everything over again, since it wasn’t done correctly because we didn’t follow directions.

go along with the plan

While being ‘out of the box’ is seen as (and is) mostly always intelligent BECAUSE it diverges from the norm, when learning an ‘art’ or a ‘science’ it can only be logical for us to see at least how something COULD be done (and is). So being really smart AND sensible is staying in the box just long enough to see what is going on with people who know how to (and who are) actually doing something successfully.

They say to gain the mindset of a successful person, (and to become one) one of the things that we can do is to hang out with successful people. Get to know what they are like. Pick up on their ‘frame of mind’ – How do they perceive challenges? What are their little anecdotes? What are their strategies and techniques? What’s their ‘Why’? What traits do they have that make them believable or trustworthy to you?

While it would be totally icky to copy or mimic anyone else – it wouldn’t be so bad to let some of their good “luck” rub off on us by having an open mind as to what they are willing to share to help us grow. As they say, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’, there is no shame in needing to learn how to do something and being able to follow directions if only initially.

If you are starting a business you will find that there will always be ‘trial and error’ but if you can learn from ‘those that have gone before you’ you will reduce the cost of your time and money if you can focus on the right target(s) and take the correct actions.

For management (which you are becoming if you are starting a business) it makes no sense ever to go into a new company and pull the rug out from under it. Even if they are there specifically to improve performance or to mitigate all out failure, they would first need to learn how things are being done to see what works and what doesn’t work. Only then should he or she start to change anything.

So bottom line is no matter how much you think you know and how many really bright ideas you might have, if there is training offered anywhere, take them up on it especially if it is free. You can’t know too much. However starting a business inevitably is more about taking action with what you know than just knowing it.

With that said, you can get in a maze of never believing you know enough to get started and this is a classic big mistake. It’s actually self-sabotage in a way… So take things in stages – take small steps and when you are sure of your footing then it is time to get aggressive to reach your goals. It is very much like a ‘fight’ – you have to be very determined, courageous and undaunted to start a business. The more you learn and have experience, the more confidence you will feel in the process.

You can do it, and you know it!


Take Control of Your Life – Earn an Income from Home

Unless you have been holed up in an igloo the past 20 years you must have heard the horror stories about people suddenly losing their jobs without cause and without notice, and many of them unable to replace their income. You must know that many of the industries that created employment here in the US have been moved to foreign countries where they can pay almost nothing for labor.

It is actually the position or even company that is being eliminated – so the position is not going to be available to someone else in many cases. In spite of selling the workforce down the river, the last recession has shown that the businesses themselves can go bankrupt and consequently go out of business. Bottom line is that many thousands of new jobs that would be created, are not. No more taking it for granted that you can always find another job.

This is hitting people at all skill and income levels and stages in their careers (all ages). The last recession also taught us investments are also vulnerable – many people lost their life savings, their real estate etc. Rather than retiring they are looking for part-time work as a result.

The point here being that we are vulnerable – more than ever before – our very survival and ‘lifestyle’ are not guaranteed. However you can take control of your finances by starting a business where you can earn an income from home. Ideally you could do this part-time while you still have a job and start saving money for an emergency – and God willing if that emergency never comes, you can always use it for retirement or something fun like a vacation or for something you always wanted but could never afford living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Although there are lots of things you can do at home to earn money, the easiest, least expensive way to do things is online. No matter what you decide to produce or sell, the Internet is the best way to promote it. There is just no comparison between virtual or online advertising vs. printing and mailing costs for example, just to name one aspect that is superior about Internet marketing. There is no way that you can reach millions of people all over the world if you are trying to call them on the phone either.

Not being a computer nerd is no excuse at all. There are ready-made services, software applications, consultants, etc that perform all of the technical tasks necessary. If you would like to have total control then maybe you can take some courses online from a community college (very inexpensive) to learn some technical things if that would make you more comfortable. The more you can do for yourself the least expenses you will incur as well.

The important thing here is that you take action – commit some time each week to researching ways you can take control of your own financial situation by creating a way to earn an income apart from your job or career – Best to start it before you are desperate so that you can land on your feet if something unexpected should happen.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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