Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Tag Archives | Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing – Be the Coach-Friend-Support You Wish You Had

First we need to realize that we are ultimately the one who is responsible if we ‘make it or break it’. Either way we could use some help along the way and will definitely have an opportunity to ‘give something back’ if we stick with it long enough to actually develop a successful business online.

In the Home Business/Internet marketing industry we are blessed with the theory that ‘you must give to receive’. People know that, and as they say, ‘we succeed only if you succeed’. It’s just a matter of professional courtesy to be helpful, supportive and affirming, because ‘what goes around comes around’. This is very different from the ‘dog-eat-dog’ competition tactics people may think of as doing ‘business’.

That’s why Network marketing and Internet marketing go hand-in-hand. It’s about knowing and being known and trusted; …and one way to get known is to share information and value with others. It helps, if this is a ‘foreign’ concept, to see our ‘competitors’ as our ‘peers’, rather than in some sort of contest. What you tell them might help them to win, and that does not mean you lose. It can be what they call a ‘win/win’ situation, particularly when you enjoy sharing and helping others.

The key here though is that we can’t feel entitled to anything – giving and sharing is voluntary and to what degree is up to each individual. Having the benefit of a coach does not mean ‘passing the buck’ and making your coach responsible. You are responsible for your business and what you need to learn to succeed with it. Coaches are there to advise and instruct you but it is ultimately you, if you are starting your own business, that will have to take control and make decisions as to what you will do with the information they have shared with you.

We also must realize that the coach or mentor needs to earn a living just like we do. Always putting ourselves in someone else’s place, if we are realistic we should know that nobody can give us 100% of their time — at least for long – they do have a life apart from trying to help us and we shouldn’t begrudge them that. This is why a real professional mentor or coach may charge hundreds of dollars per hour for their time.

We really need to remember that those who do not charge at least that much, deserve, at the very least our respect, appreciation and consideration. To be real, it would only be fair that you could help them back by doing business with them, referring others to them, or anything else you can to reciprocate for the kindness they have showed you. Maybe that will be merely that someday you are able to share as much with someone coming up behind you. When you have received, you can often see the beauty of giving and you will keep the cycle of good going.


Finding Your Home Business Niche – Be Focused and Flexible

While it is important to have goals so that we can formulate a plan for starting a home business, and to stay focused to achieve them, it is equally important to remain flexible. In other words, be willing to change your course if necessary. To be really creative we must be able to see beyond the ‘dotted line’.

Therefore it may be good to make your goals ‘generic’ – in other words not ‘make X number of dollars per month from XYZ’ but just ‘make X number dollars per month’ – that way if on your way to XYZ you find ABC to be more of a ‘natural’ for you, you won’t miss the opportunity because you are so focused that you have ‘blinders’ on.

You may find after some time in research and development of your business that you really don’t like something that is part of your initial strategy – for example even that you don’t like marketing and sales, period. While any business you start is going to require you to sell it to somebody, you may determine that you just want that to be a means to an end, not the end game.

To explain further, you may love the Internet marketing industry but just not like the amount of work that is necessary to take the ‘massive’ action required to succeed. Not just that but you don’t like the nature of the work either. Too tedious and time-consuming to do it yourself, and too expensive to use paid services to do it for you right now.

You have already determined that you can and will start a home business and will replace your income so that you can quit your gnarly job someday. You have an amount of money in mind that would cover things nicely for now (and of course could be increased as time goes on). So what else might you do that is online but not just marketing/advertising/sales?

Start by making an inventory. Have one page for your skills and one for your interests. Part of both would include your actual experience whether in a job or hobby. Note what you really enjoyed about both. Do you see anything there that might point you in any direction as far as a service you could perform to earn an income online? Is there something that interests you and you like doing that could maybe use a tune up? For example if you could take an online course from a community college or other organization to hone your skills in some area.

Take the key points that you find and do some further research as far as how you would go about setting up your business and how you would promote it (here we go with advertising again) – but remember it’s a means to an end and does not envelope your entire life, it is just a necessary task among the ones that you do enjoy doing.

Once you decide on something you would like to do and can do, then it is time for more of a solid plan that includes a budget for materials and tools that would be necessary, so you will want to do some comparison shopping, etc. The key is to really know all the ins and outs and to facilitate all the various things that would be required to start a business; or to find anything that could possibly be a ‘deal breaker’ that would prevent you from being able to follow your plan; (and then you would just start all over and find something you CAN DO).


For Best Results, Don’t Rush Your Home Business Start-Up

A good analogy of how things can’t be rushed in the logical (real) world, is that of a crop which must be nurtured to grow. Nobody puts the seeds in the ground and then turns around and clicks their heels three times to see a brand new baby tree! It takes preparation, maintenance, and patience!

For best results someone would prepare the soil, plant the seeds, fertilize it, and then water it a little at a time every day. Eventually they would see little sprouts and with any luck eventually they would grow into a baby vegetable. You may pick it at that point in some cases or in others you would continue to watch it grow into a mature plant. At that point it would need to be washed and cooked or in some way prepared to eat it in most cases.

With a business it is just plain silly for people to believe that somehow – (magic?) they will join an affiliate program or get a web page online and then expect something to materialize right away. They may make some attempt for a short-time to promote it but for some reason they can’t seem to conceive of the fact that one or two times or even 50 or 100 times will not necessarily produce anything.

You may have read somewhere the very apt description of marketing and advertising requiring TIME to create and sustain momentum. This is in part because not everybody who sees an ad will respond. It is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. You have to eliminate all the people who are not interested in what you have to find the few that will in fact show an interest and respond.

You have to keep whatever you are doing up long enough and let’s even say in perpetuity if you ever want to have a real business that generates income. You can’t stop just because you make one sale because now you must find the second one and so forth. Your business may involve one-time-only sales or if you are an affiliate marketer, residual income. While the latter lets you continue to earn income in the future from the initial sale, there is still the fact that people will quit and you will need to find new sources of income.

There is another belief in the Internet marketing industry that it is not usually the first time someone sees something that they will respond – would you believe most likely the 5th or 6th time? So there you go with another reason why you must build and sustain momentum if your business involves sales and marketing. You need to pump up the volume over the long-run!

The point being that you need to work it over time in the big picture. You need to be methodical, consistent and most of all very aggressive. None of this is possible if you are expecting substantial results within days or weeks of beginning. If you quit too soon because you can’t see any results, you will just be wasting your effort and time and you will never know if you could have succeeded if you had been realistic.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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