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Affiliate Marketing Programs

One of the best ways to get started with an online business is to try affiliate marketing. The primary reason being that everything is all put together for you and you can just sit down and get started right off the bat with learning how to market a business on the Internet.


While some people may balk at the membership fees, they should actually be grateful that this is a small price to pay for all that they will be provided just by virtue of their membership. They will save untold hours and much more money in that again, everything is put together already.

There is no learning how to build a sales page because the affiliate program will provide one, encoded with the affiliate ID that is associated with the membership. When any sales are made from that page, they will be credited to the member. Additionally the affiliate program will handle the customer service for the member’s customers, and process the transactions. So here we see our affiliate is saving time and money again as they do not have to provide either support or a payment gateway which can be very costly.

Additionally the affiliate program may provide other resources for their members such as training in Internet marketing, banners and other graphics for advertising purposes, autoresponder messages, an actual autorepsonder system, and list building mechanisms.

It is actually a very fair exchange that a member pays membership fees to compensate the program for the expenses they had in creating and maintaining not only the membership system but the product or service provided by the company as well. This again, greatly reduces the time for a learning curve and development for the member in that they can just walk in and use what is already there, rather than to need to create their own system and product.

Affiliate program membership makes it legal for members to profit from the company’s intellectual property. It is a very fair exchange that the company may benefit from the advertising and marketing the affiliates do to promote their own businesses to earn commissions. This is why they pay the commissions on top of all they do. The relationship is definitely a win/win all around for everyone.

The key however is for the affiliate to realize there is nothing magical about having an affiliate link. They have to really work to make anything happen. They have to learn how to, and then they have to actually promote the link diligently in order to make any money. Nobody will ever see their link unless the affiliate does substantial marketing and advertising over time. They need to be very aggressive about it rather than lackadaisical (“lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy”).

So if you are really serious about wanting to have an Internet business, try at least one affiliate program to see what it is all about; then give it a fair chance of at least 90-days where you consistently focus on developing your business. Even if you fail the first time, try another one. The more experience you have the more likely it is that you will succeed.


How is Internet Marketing Like Sports?

Ever hear the saying ‘practice makes perfect’? By practicing, athletes build their strength and skill. As they continue on they reach plateaus and if they keep their momentum going, they continue to progress. It is the same with marketing when you say that it is about building and sustaining momentum.


The same comparison could be made for artists as well. They keep practicing and learning new techniques. Even in the military they continually test their endurance and hone their skills at using weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Again, marketing is much the same in that the more we practice the better we will get.

In the sense of building momentum this is due to another very relevant factor which is that most people will not respond. So you have to redouble your efforts and get enough volume going that those people won’t matter. Eventually you will be able to focus only on the ones that do take action and respond. In any case you must keep pushing forward.

It is easy for people to lose their way when they elaborate on the fact that they may not see any positive results for quite a while in the beginning. This is normal but then normal is not always right – in fact often it isn’t. For example catching a cold is normal, but it’s not good for anything, and we just want to get rid of it because it gets in the way of our life.

That is why we sometimes must take special steps to ensure that we don’t go that way. We have to maybe even talk to ourselves continually to guard against letting negative thoughts and feelings overtake us. It is really not hard if you make a conscious effort to combat them whenever they arise. Replace them with something which is positive and focus only on that until you are feeling better.

You can visualize the beauty of nature – the sky, the water, the trees and flowers, and all of the good that is on the earth for everyone to share. You can think about people who make you feel good, or how much you love your family (and don’t forget the dog). You can remember things you have accomplished that made you feel like a winner.

The point after you have made the correction from negative to positive, is to remain focused on your target goal. In this case it is to create a profitable business via Internet marketing. Realize that you may have to ‘wash, rinse, and repeat’ over and over and over again before you will start to see any results. Understand that is just how it is – how it usually works and you shouldn’t let it dissuade you.


Internet Marketing – Be the Coach-Friend-Support You Wish You Had

First we need to realize that we are ultimately the one who is responsible if we ‘make it or break it’. Either way we could use some help along the way and will definitely have an opportunity to ‘give something back’ if we stick with it long enough to actually develop a successful business online.

In the Home Business/Internet marketing industry we are blessed with the theory that ‘you must give to receive’. People know that, and as they say, ‘we succeed only if you succeed’. It’s just a matter of professional courtesy to be helpful, supportive and affirming, because ‘what goes around comes around’. This is very different from the ‘dog-eat-dog’ competition tactics people may think of as doing ‘business’.

That’s why Network marketing and Internet marketing go hand-in-hand. It’s about knowing and being known and trusted; …and one way to get known is to share information and value with others. It helps, if this is a ‘foreign’ concept, to see our ‘competitors’ as our ‘peers’, rather than in some sort of contest. What you tell them might help them to win, and that does not mean you lose. It can be what they call a ‘win/win’ situation, particularly when you enjoy sharing and helping others.

The key here though is that we can’t feel entitled to anything – giving and sharing is voluntary and to what degree is up to each individual. Having the benefit of a coach does not mean ‘passing the buck’ and making your coach responsible. You are responsible for your business and what you need to learn to succeed with it. Coaches are there to advise and instruct you but it is ultimately you, if you are starting your own business, that will have to take control and make decisions as to what you will do with the information they have shared with you.

We also must realize that the coach or mentor needs to earn a living just like we do. Always putting ourselves in someone else’s place, if we are realistic we should know that nobody can give us 100% of their time — at least for long – they do have a life apart from trying to help us and we shouldn’t begrudge them that. This is why a real professional mentor or coach may charge hundreds of dollars per hour for their time.

We really need to remember that those who do not charge at least that much, deserve, at the very least our respect, appreciation and consideration. To be real, it would only be fair that you could help them back by doing business with them, referring others to them, or anything else you can to reciprocate for the kindness they have showed you. Maybe that will be merely that someday you are able to share as much with someone coming up behind you. When you have received, you can often see the beauty of giving and you will keep the cycle of good going.

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