Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | June, 2015

Always Working at Home

When Roger Bannister, after breaking the 4-minute mile, was interviewed, (1956) he was asked to describe how he did it. He replied: “It’s the ability to take more out of yourself than you’ve got.” That is one of those quotes that you want to always refer to in order to stay motivated.

always working

Can We Do It All? What a bizzy life to have a Day Job AND a Home Business, (not to mention family responsibilities). However sacrifices may be necessary, because it may be critical to have more than one source of income; AND it may just be a good idea (multiple streams of income) to make some extra money.

There are many different motivations for people to want to start their own business. For whatever reason, if they are willing to work hard, then they can have whatever level of involvement they want in their home business, or at least that which is acceptable and feasible.

We can only do so much with the number of hours we have in a day! However, one really cool thing about working at home is it is not limited to just day time (as in a “9 to 5” Day Job). You can work at night if you want or need to. We are on a 24-hour clock – not an 8-hour clock so we have plenty of time that is flexible.

If you are lucky enough to work at home full-time, you can be productive at the time that is best for you. You can stagger your hours so you don’t get in a dreaded rut (like going to the day job every day year after year). You can have your time go whatever way you want to, as long as you get your work done and it is a priority. You don’t ‘watch the clock’ when you are really busy and having fun!

Particularly if you are in a sales-based business, some days there is more business than others. So sometimes you can take it easier. Also after you get your systems developed for your home business and work out an organizational plan to manage your days and nights, things will go faster. Always in the beginning everything is harder until we get acclimated. Then it becomes more or less routine. What we do will become ‘second nature’ (natural) so there won’t be as much stress about functioning at a level that will produce success; and at the same time allow us to manage our lives in a pleasant, positive way.


Affiliate Programs: How to Earn While You Learn

It is very easy to join an affiliate program. You can start advertising the same day as they give you your affiliate web page link. That is literally all there is to it as far as planting the seed and starting out. The program provides the product or service that you can earn money from if you are able to sell it.

earn while you learn

So far you have invested nothing – no time, no effort (yet) and the only money you have spent so far is the membership dues if applicable. You are getting a very fair deal in most cases if there are no contracts other than month-to-month (no contract should be a requirement when determining which program you want to start out with).

Just factor in what you would have had to spend to start a business without being able to join an affiliate program. Consider the cost of market research and product development, programming, website development, operations management, etc. You are looking at years and big bucks unless you can do all of the things necessary to create a business.

So don’t begrudge the program and realize that they need to maintain their business and they could not provide all that they do and pay affiliate commissions, without your contribution. That’s why affiliates are referred to as ‘members’ rather than customers.

Just consider that cost as ‘the cost of doing business’ and accept it gratefully. Any other attitude is going to impede you, such as being in a big rush to see results based only on the fact that you are paying monthly dues and quite possibly not seeing any return on investment in the beginning.
If you really engage in your business and use all of the resources that are available to you to learn how to earn money online – the more you apply yourself the sooner you will see your results. If you put in just a half-way effort, then that is what you will receive if anything.

Note that there are different models where you can join free and then upgrade to make more money if ever or whenever you are ready to get serious. With that said there are actually a few programs you can even make money with at the free level.

Eventually you may wish to add more affiliate programs to your portfolio of money-making ventures and again benefit from any and all tools and resources they will provide. These assets do include some level of training most of the time and you should take full advantage of everything you can so that you will keep learning more, which will make it more likely you will have a successful business.


Starting a New Business – Staying Positive

It could be that one reason life presents challenges is that we would be easily bored if it didn’t. Another reason some believe is that overcoming difficulty builds character and makes us stronger. There is probably truth to both those beliefs. So certainly starting a new business, while not ‘rocket science’, is going to present some obstacles.


One major obstacle is mindset – whether it is your own negativity or those who are close to you – your spouse, family and/or friends. For some reason they are going to be the most critical, and where you might expect a supportive and affirming atmosphere, you are likely going to encounter negativity about your new venture.

Another real true theory that is relevant here is ‘fear of the unknown’, and maybe that is what scares people and makes them so wary of going out on a limb to try something new or different. Even an element of jealousy there perhaps in that they may never have acted on any of their dreams, assuming they were unrealistic; but you are – because you are brave enough and bright enough where maybe they don’t feel that they are.

The other way mindset can be an obstacle to a new business start-up is getting discouraged when you don’t make money right away as you thought you would. Still another related thought is having unrealistic expectations with regard to the amount of time it will take to develop a successful business. If you are not realistic you are going to set yourself up for self-imposed failure because you will end up quitting without giving it a fair chance.

We have to be logical because so much ‘hype’ makes it seem so effortless and as if you will earn a fortune just by joining a program and doing nothing. NOTHING could be further from the truth. In reality we EARN what money we make and in fact with your own business you may need to work TWICE as hard to earn money until you get the ‘well-oiled’ machine running at optimal levels to create your success on ‘autopilot’.

Because there is a learning curve and there are lots of obstacles to overcome, we need to guard against being discouraged at all times. Discouragement is the opposite of motivation. We need to stay motivated at all times and to refuse to be discouraged. We may have to do mental exercises as part of our process on an ongoing basis. Even talking to yourself to say how everything is great, how you are fine and doing a good job can really help to strengthen your resolve to succeed. No matter what negative thought or comment may come to mind, we have to counter that with something positive.

Since you are in new territory and have not yet built up your skill or expertise in the field, to give you confidence, you may need to rely on things you have done in the past that made you feel proud or strong. Think about all of your accomplishments no matter how small you think they are, and even write them down. Go all the way back to your childhood and remember everything you can about times where you were feeling good about yourself. Then keep those facts close at hand in your mind so that you can call on them when you start to feel like you are losing the battle against negativity. Believe you can succeed in starting a new business and that you will go far with it.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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